

It will interest many of you I think, to know that since #8 appeared I have given 5 lectures to Service Clubs, like Ex change, Kiwanis, H1-12 (Masonic) and Knights of Columbus I have appeared in each case as Miss Virginia Bruce and no on e knew the secret except the program chairman · I have talked on masculinity and femininity expressions in our culture which led into TVism The acceptance has been very gratifying, lots of questions have been asked and nobody has treated me other than as the lady I appear to be. After discussing the subject I let them in on the secret by telling them that I am a husband and a father in my natural voice. At one meeting the Chief, Capt and Lt. of Police, the Mayor and the Fire Chief were present along with 2 ministers One of these later asked me to speak before a group therapy session at an alcoholic treatment cen- ter (Incidentally do any of you know a TV who is also an al coholic? I'd like to make the contact as there 13 some inter esting joint psychology involved) The leaflets I sent you with last issue are given away at these lectures to cover the points that I do not have time for as it is impossible to cover the subject with any justice in 30 minutes as you all know

The conclusions I've reached from these talks are these. (1)If the subject is presented with some reasonable background (namely as an opportunity for the male to express his feminine side even as the female expresses her masculinity) and without guilt it stirs up a lot of interest I hope the leaflets plus what they remember will percolate down to others with whom the listeners speak perhaps eventually helping some needy TV (2) Giving lectures such as these or becoming part of some sort of entertainment group can provide an opportunity for public ex- pression with public justification I commend the process to

any of you who can arrange it It is good for you yourself and properly done it is good for the community because the member- ships in Service Clubs go to men who are not only business e people, husbands and fathers but persons who have community responsibility and authority Police officers are often pres- ent, and last lecture had a high school principle and a muni- cipal judge in the audience. People in this area at least are going to know what TVism is before I get laid away Virginia.